Thursday 15 March 2012

You Just Need To Take Five!

Taking a break is just as important as exercising. Give your body the break it deserves and remember that recovery is key to looking and feeling your best!

Have a snack
Refuel within 15 minutes of working out , when your body turns food into muscle-healing glycogen three times faster than normal, says Leslie Bonci, R.D., director of sports nutrition at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. Have some carbs (they're stored as glycogen) and protein ( it speeds up muscle repair). Try a box of low-fat chocolate milk or a fruit-and-nut mix drink.

Skip the gym
Head to the movies or the mall instead. Without a mental breather, your motivation may fade away quickly. According to a study in the American Journal of Applied Psychology, those who exercise and were mentally fatigued stopped 15 per cent earlier than those whose brains weren't so spent.

Go to bed early
Clock it in at least seven to eight hours of sleep every day. When you snooze, your body produces human growth hormone, which stimulates tissue repair in your muscles and tendons _ great post-workout therapy!

Get pampered
It's proven by researchers at The Ohio State University that muscles given a massage post-exercise had less swelling and inflammation than muscles that simply rested. Time to book that spa!

posted by Lei Wah Mon

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