Sunday 11 March 2012

Busy People

We are all familiar with the fake busy person: someone who complains he has to so much to do when really; he can get it all done if she spent less hours complaining. A friend who hardly makes it to gatherings because she has so many assignments to get done but not certainly busy to update Facebook status or post a tweet on twitter. 

Or could it even be you, who spends most of your time organizing and reorganizing, creating to-do-lists of what needs to be done, instead of just doing what’s on the list?
We are all guilty of being fake busy. It’s often that, for example, while researching, we end up watching a YouTube video since it’s for 2 minutes only, then it leads to another video. Then you have to share it on Facebook so that your friends can view it too, while the intention of doing the research’s all forgotten.
We all have complained about how much work we have and it can create a sense of overwhelming, when really, when the easy thing to do is prioritize, time manage and focus. There is nothing really to complain about. 

by Lei Wah Mon 

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