Tuesday 14 February 2012

Whitney Houston's death

Whiteny Houston's body is taken from her hotel room on Feb. 11, 2012.

The 48 year old singer, Whitney Houston, was found dead on Saturday afternoon in a bathtub in her room at the Beverly Hills Hilton Hotel. 

It has been reported that prescription drugs were found in the hotel room where Houston's lifeless body was discovered just hours before the Grammy party she was to attend. TMZ said that her head was underwater and could not be viewed by paramedics after being removed from the tub.

2.5 million tweets an hour were tweeted as news of Houston's death spreads, it was first started by @ajadiornavy, a relative of a hotel staff who reportedly found Houston in the bathtub: "omgg , my aunt tiffany who work for whitney houston just found whitney houston dead in the tub . such ashame & sad :-( "

The first full hour after the news broke saw 2,481,652 tweets and retweets, peaking at 61,227 tweets at 5.23 pm including other celebrities tweeting condolences and mourning of the singer's passing away. 

Cops were searching the hotel suite yesterday, studying CCTV footage and speaking to guests to piece together Whitney's last moments. But they said there were no signs of criminal intent.

Her family issued a statement last night saying: "This is an unimaginable tragedy and we will miss her terribly."

by Lei Wah Mon

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