Tuesday 21 February 2012

Nature's Spectacular Phenomena

It is stated that "during the early 19th century, some of the best scientific minds of the period believed that the aurora was caused by the reflection of sunlight from tiny ice crystals suspended high in the atmosphere." It has only been in fairly recent years that these phenomena have been satisfactorily explained and applied to the aurora.

Colorful Aurora Borealis in Finland

Auroras are actually caused by solar flares and they look like beautiful curtains of shimmering light. They are called Northern Lights if they are near the North Pole. They are called Southern lights if they are near the South Pole. 

Northern Lights in Alaska 
So, what is so special about the northern lights that people go out of their way to plan specific aurora borealis vacations? Imagine looking up to the sky and seeing the multi-colored ribbons of light dance across the sky. It would be like being in a fantasy land. No wonder people even take 'aurora borealis vacations' to witness these miracles of nature. 

Northern Lights in Canada 

10 of the most best places to see these Aurora Borealis are:
  1. Alaska: View Northern Lights in the U.S.
  2. Denmark: Visit Remote Norwegian Sea Islands
  3. Scotland: Watch the Sky for a Weather Break
  4. Canada: Go North of the Border for Great Views
  5. Greenland: Experience Great Auroras All Over
  6. Finland: Listen for Your Aurora Alarm
  7. Iceland: Explore Beyond Reyjavik's City Lights
  8. Norway: Observe Polar Night and Polar Lights
  9. Russia: Brave the Arctic Cold for Arctic Lights
  10. Sweden: Learn about Beautiful Blue Holes
Northern Lights in Iceland 
Every traveler's life list should include viewing the Northern Lights, or Aurora Borealis since they are one of the most beautiful things nature has made. 

Beautiful Aurora Borealis
by Lei Wah Mon

Sources : http://www.huffingtonpost.com/
             : http://www.destination360.com/

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